The Unpredictable Fluid of Time

Unlike predictable, protest-board-applicable-things this uncaged boomerang returns the plague. Barbs jut in the neck of a dozen deserving men. The difficult decision is to stay the course or stay alive. Let’s lock onto the horizon, see that (from this embankment) … Continued

The Wisdom of Sword & Shadow

  Introduction: Apollo Boudreaux opened the rice paper parasol, his slender fingers running the length of the bamboo handle.  The quick flourish was not unlike a magician’s gesture, his trick bringing the pretty thing to life—a tumble of cherry blossoms … Continued

How Will I Begin

Like the third monkey fighting to get on Noah’s ark! The overthinking ape of excuses I keep hearing – I will not miss the boat because all of you are stuck with me. I am not a monkey, nor the … Continued