Wicked Good

The philosopher Michel Foucault once wrote: “the body becomes a useful force only if it is a productive body and a subjected body.” Foucault was describing society in economic and political terms, but he might as well been describing my … Continued


The Rant has always found America’s belief that a simple gesture, normally tinged with hysteria, can solve its systemic problems as oddly amusing. We offer up the current iteration: The fate of TikTok. Let’s review: The TikTok is a video … Continued

The Rant Keeps Turning

The Rant has only one New Year’s resolution: avoid the Norovirus at all costs. Once the province of cruise ships, (Come for the buffet, stay for the vomiting! Would you like a side of seasickness with that? Enjoy), the Norovirus … Continued

Merry Rantmas to All

“Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you’re the Charlie Browniest.”—A Charlie Brown Christmas The Rant understands. You’re out there trying to maintain that holiday cheer while haunted by the never-ending doubt that you missed an online coupon that … Continued

Omnibus Rant

The Rant ponders the following: I. Are the hosts/judges/widespread panic panelists of The Masked Singer given a drug that renders them ignorant of how the show works each week? Because unless Donnie Wahlberg is the greatest acting coach since Stanislavski, … Continued

Happy Rants Are Here Again

The Rant would point out that the key word in the phrase “Take America Back” is the last word. American culture has always suffered from a crippling nostalgia that began almost simultaneously with wresting the resources and land of the … Continued

Sporty Rant

As one of only two licensed rantologists in the United States, we’d like to send a shout out to Kevin Durant, basketball god and delightful enigma, for putting the smackdown on Stephen A. Smith, professional shouter at ESPN, soon to … Continued

A Rant Cometh Before the Fall

Rant Note: The Rant offers for your seasonal pleasure our fall rant that we have always run in October provided we have the energy to rant. You can ignore the picturesque opening as today the temperature has hit 90 here … Continued

Rant or Die

Where the hell have we been? We could easily ask you the same. The Rant had a brief Moment during the pandemic: sterling wordplay; burgeoning audience; next-level semi-colon use. Like you, we had dreams, man. Remember that heady afternoon when … Continued