for a real one
We met four years
after you needed healing
after you became the living dead
after your first husband shot down all your dreams
after his loaded pistol targeted your self-confidence
after he fathered a child with another woman
after you jumped the broom too soon
We met again three years
after I mopped up my mess
after my old broom didn’t sweep clean
after I swept you off your feet
after we danced all night
after you divorced your first husband
after “Not Gon’ Cry” strengthened your resolve
We met again two years
after your heart leapt heartily
after you laced up for a second spring
after you found love in a better man
after you learned to pace yourself
after you forgave and forgot
after God healed you
We met again one year
after I took to tying my shoes before tying the knot
after I got back on my feet
after I fell
after I jumped the broom too soon
after I forgot to lace up
after I drank too much cherry wine
We met again today
after a sway of sorrow swept over me
after your first husband shot up all your dreams
after his loaded pistol targeted your confident self
after he needed healing
after he became the living dead
after all
Author’s Note: Several months ago, a friend of mine asked me to write a poem about her. I told her I might someday even though I wasn’t sure what I’d say. I’d never written a poem about someone by request so I was concerned that it’d be a shit show. Weeks and weeks went by and I wrote not a word. Then one day while sitting at my living room window, I was reflecting on the conversation she and I had some 15 minutes prior and was finally inspired to write something. I started thinking about aspects of our individual lives that ran parallel and perpendicular, and those thoughts became the genesis of “Ladybug“. I worked on it all afternoon and then sent the first draft of it to her. She loved it, but I didn’t. Something was missing. I also didn’t like the structure of it. I revised it that evening and then sent the second draft of it to a poet friend of mine who is a past recipient of the Oklahoma Book Award for Poetry. I value her opinion a great deal and knew that she’d give me an honest critique. Her words gave birth to “Ladybug Reloaded,” initially titled “A Shot in the Dark”. After finishing it the following day, I didn’t know what to do next. I had two poems much alike in content but different in style that I liked for different reasons. Not knowing which one to publish, I sent them both to the publisher of Calliope Crashes and he echoed more of the same. So I did a final draft of each and then stepped away from them both for about a week. I chose to publish “Ladybug” in the end because there was something about the imagery and the metaphors that I just couldn’t ignore. It was moving. It was raw. It was real. And yet, I still liked it less because it wasn’t as poetic as “Ladybug Reloaded”. But that didn’t stop it from quickly becoming a fan favorite, leaving me wondering whether I should even bother publishing “Ladybug Reloaded”. I left it unpublished for a month and then decided to release it. Sometimes an artist creates something, edits it, and ends up with something entirely different. Sometimes both versions are equally as good, making choosing between them difficult. And sometimes the artist must share them both and tell of the process so as to inspire others to welcome critiques and embrace the editing process. It’s my hope that this note inspires someone. Writing’s hard, but somebody’s gotta do it.
One Response to “Ladybug Reloaded”
Although Ladybug is my fav, I must say this one hits home! Ricco, you spoke to my heart! Keep them coming 🙂