you say it’s hard to make
your heart flutter right now
and i can almost feel
the fear and hesitation
in all of those words

maybe you’re scared that
your heart is empty right now
that what’s about to happen
will shake up and shatter
your heart like a glass jar

but let me tell you:
your heart can’t lose
and it can’t be contained
your heart is not glass

it is sky

and when i come around
i’ll blow away the storms
my wind easing your fears
till the sunshine of your heart
takes over and warms us both

maybe you think
your heart will harden
like a stone, unable to move
from hurtful words heard before

but let me tell you:

your heart is a dancer
sometimes missing a step
sometimes missing a beat
throwing off the rhythm of your life

or so it feels

but the song will change
and i will be your partner
catching you, spinning you
when you leap across the floor

giving you sweet music
to make your heart
sway and groove
until the last instrument
of your life’s breath stops

maybe no one can make
your heart flutter
but i know how to make
your heart dance

a new song

all you have to do
is take my hand
when the band
starts playing


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